Swedish SKA Regional Center (SWESRC)
The SKAO is a next-generation radio astronomy-driven Big Data facility that will revolutionise our understanding of the Universe and the laws of fundamental physics. Enabled by cutting-edge technology, it promises to have a major impact
on society, in science and beyond.
Sweden is represented in the
SKA Organisation by
Onsala Space Observatory, the Swedish national facility for radio astronomy. Onsala Space Observatory, founded in 1949, is hosted by
Department of Earth and Space Sciences at
Chalmers University of Technology, and is operated on behalf of the
Swedish Research Council. Sweden became a member of the SKA in 2012.
Onsala Space Observatory is developing the Swedish SKA Regional Center node as part of the collaborative global network, SRCNet, in collaboration with Chalmers e-Commons.
The goal of the Swedish SKA regional centre is to advance Swedish leadership in radio astronomy for centimetre- and metre-waves.
This includes supporting participation in surveys and PI-led projects with SKA precursor and pathfinder telescopes, and SKA data challenges. When the SKA telescopes are in operation, a global network of SKA regional centres will provide training, access to SKA data and platforms for advanced data analysis.
The Swedish SRC works closely with the Nordic ARC (ALMA regional centre) to provide user support for radio telescopes around the world for proposal development and submission, data reduction and analysis.